BALTIC - definitie. Wat is BALTIC
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Wat (wie) is BALTIC - definitie

Baltic mill         
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  • A reclining nude on the Gateshead Millennium Bridge by Julian Opie. Similar designs were used in the ''B.OPEN'' event in Baltic.
  • Newcastle and Gateshead Quayside. The conversion of the Baltic Flour Mills was part of the wider regeneration of Gateshead in the 1990s.
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BALTIC; BALTIC Centre; Baltic Mill; Baltic Flour Mill; BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art; Baltic centre for contemporary art; Baltic Gallery; Baltic Flour Mills Visual Arts Trust; Baltic (Gateshead)
The Baltic Mill was a copper stamping mill near Redridge, Michigan. The Atlantic mill was located at a nearby location.
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  • A reclining nude on the Gateshead Millennium Bridge by Julian Opie. Similar designs were used in the ''B.OPEN'' event in Baltic.
  • Newcastle and Gateshead Quayside. The conversion of the Baltic Flour Mills was part of the wider regeneration of Gateshead in the 1990s.
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Baltic (disambiguation)
·adj Of or pertaining to the sea which separates Norway and Sweden from Jutland, Denmark, and Germany; situated on the Baltic Sea.
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  • A reclining nude on the Gateshead Millennium Bridge by Julian Opie. Similar designs were used in the ''B.OPEN'' event in Baltic.
  • Newcastle and Gateshead Quayside. The conversion of the Baltic Flour Mills was part of the wider regeneration of Gateshead in the 1990s.
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Baltic (disambiguation)
['b?:lt?k, 'b?lt-]
¦ noun
1. (the Baltic) an almost landlocked sea of northern Europe.
(also the Baltic States) a small group of states on the eastern shores of the Baltic Sea, consisting of Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia.
2. an Indo-European branch of languages consisting of Lithuanian, Latvian, and Old Prussian.
¦ adjective relating to the Baltic Sea or the Baltic group of languages.
C16: from med. L. Balticus, from late L. Balthae 'dwellers near the Baltic Sea'.
Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor BALTIC
1. the Baltic Sea separating part of it,
Flashpoints - The Emerging Crisis in Europe _ George Friedman _ Talks at Google
2. in the Baltic Sea, the Faroe Islands,
The Nordic Cookbook _ Magnus Nilsson _ Talks at Google
3. All the Baltic countries and Poland,
The Nordic Baking Book _ Magnus Nilsson _ Talks at Google
4. and in the Baltic states, busily intriguing
The Conspiracy That Never Dies _ Gill Bennett _ Talks at Google
5. And of course Poles, Romanians, and the Baltic states--
Russia - What happened What's next _ Olga Oliker _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor BALTIC
1. Getting there: easyJet (, Ryanair, and Air Baltic ( fly to various Baltic capitals.
2. Lithuania‘s competition authority had fined the Baltic refinery for abusing its dominant position in the Baltic market. (Bloomberg) «
3. It adds that Baltic UAB has broadcast licenses in the Baltic countries, mainly, the license to air MTV broadcasts.
4. Under the deal, Siberian gas is to be pumped through the Baltic Sea from Russia to Germany, bypassing Poland and the Baltic states of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.
5. The undersea Baltic pipeline will bring Russian gas to Germany.